The ocean

Check out my friend pursuingisborings blog – it’s truly a hidden gem in a sea of blogs xxx


The ocean. The vast range of mysterious, beautiful and serene inky depths of water that puzzles us so. I found this really inspirational quote that I think you’ll enjoy- You are not one drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in one drop.

Pretty, cool huh?

I was just thinking, that quite is right- everybody has their own little or big things that make them. There’s more to the ocean than the surface- there’s more to a human than a surface, there’s more to the ocean than the things you first meet- there’s more to a human than the things you first meet and there maybe more to the ocean than what’s at the bottom- there maybe more to a human than what’s at the bottom.

Humans are mysterious, complexed and totally amazing! But sometimes humans think we’re better than animals, but what some of us fail to realize…

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So, hello! Today has been a very very jam packed day! In the morning, I woke up and had weetabix for breakfast. I then, by orders of my mum, ran around my garden lawn non stop for around twenty minutes (apparently to get my blood flowing)! Then, with my younger sister, I became an explorer and I camped out in my amazing tent, put together of many sorts of blankets, reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone for about the billionth time, and then moving to The Chamber of Secrets.

Lunchtime came and went – I had salad and ravioli and a special pasta sauce. After lunch, I had about an hour long face time chat with one of my besties – Lexi. We had a hilarious conversation and she showed me her scratch projects. Now we are following each other on scratch because I registered today!

Then, it was doggy walkie time with Chloepooopooo (or just Chloe) and me, my sister and my dad walked around the village, delivering some letters and stopping off at Costa for a mango creamy cooler.

It was almost time for me to go to YT (young theatre) to get ready before my show – I performed in it yesterday too, and today is the last performance! Mummy drove to Sainsburys and we got something for me to eat, before I rushed to YT. We changed into our costumes and proceeded to do many a line run.

Then, twas show time – the show went really well. But that wasn’t all, you see, we were competing against two other groups (i was in the youngest) and my mum, dad, grandma, sister and her best friend all came and watched – luckily, they enjoyed it. The competition was called The Burnham Trophy, and each play was based on a different aspect of war life – to commemorate one hundred years since the end of world war two – and the themes were: Evacuees (my group), Blitz (middle aged group) and Intelligence (the code breakers at Bletchley park, who were the oldest – around the higher teens).

After getting out of my costume for the last time, I sat down and watched the other two plays – they were AMAZING!

After the adjudicater adjudicated, and the audience votes were counted, the mayor of beaconsfield presented the awards, and the Blitz group won.

Now, it was very late (11), so we headed home for a heavy night’s sleep!

Thank you, girlwiththegoldenboots

Journal – ish

So, today, I decided to keep a WordPress journal for a whole week – Saturday to Saturday – and post each one. I’m actually going to have quite an emotional start to the new week, since I am leaving my school to move to secondary, so these will be rather tear ridden, I suppose. I will put whatever I feel I can, which will probably be everything, and from the Wednesday there will be accounts of my holiday living on an 8 bedroomed farm – I would say I can’t wait, but that would mean I want to leave my school, when in fact I’m TOTALLY dreading it! My primary school is my close family basically, and I’ve been there for 8 WHOLE YEARS!!! 😨

Back to the point (In case you had forgotten) I will Ne posting a daily diary!

This is exciting for me, not you!

Dear myself,

Doesn’t this prove the phrase: good things come with time? I’m typing these very words on my new IPhone I have been yearning for for AGES! Or what felt like ages anyway…

So your probably thinking right now: why do I need to know this, she’s a random boring unicorn. And so I am. Don’t judge. That’s not fair on my rainbow farts.

A solemnly swear I shall update more often,


tut tut tut

Previous post, I said I would be writing daily posts from now on. Tut tut tut me, I haven’t written a single one since. Great job girlwiththegoldenboots… Anyway, instead of beginning to reprimand myself, I’d better get thinking of things to write about. For now, here is a thing I love to think about: many people are sad roses have thorns. I’m just grateful thorns have roses.

Girlwiththegoldenboots, saying goodbye for now…


So, I’m really sorry to the few people that actually read this rubbish blog because I haven’t posted in like a month but I’ve now finished with SAT’s for this year and I’ve learnt all the lines I have in my school play as the sheriff of Nottingham. Yes, that’s right I’m the sheriff so ya’ll better obey! I’ve just noticed that I said y’all and I didn’t mean to because obviously  know what my character is like: EVIL!

But none of this nonsense is the reason for my UN grammatically correct title…Now, just before I get to this, I’ve been daily reading the Washington post, so I know the fight many states in America have been having to get same sex marriages legal (an obvious move in my opinion!)

This was taken from the daily mail:

Already changing lives.. States across U.S. marry gay couples MINUTES after ruling strikes down same-sex marriage ban

  • U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is the law of the land
  • Same-sex marriage was banned in 14 states before Friday’s ruling
  • Soon after decision, marriages were underway in Georgia, Ohio, Texas, Arkansas, Michigan, Nebraska and South Dakota
  • In Mississippi, however, the attorney general said hold on a gay-marriage case must be lifted before licenses can be handed out

This picture nearly made me cry when I saw it for the first time… 😓 It’s of a couple who have probably waited years and years to marry and today is the day! They are at the place where you get the wedding certificate beCause many were so happy they didn’t want to spend months preparing a ceremony that they simple visited the place where you sign the certificate and (they usually already had a ring on a different finger) replaced the ring but on the ring finger!

I’m so happy there is a a humongous grin plastered over my face! Wow, we NEARLY HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS ALL OVER THE WORLD! Thank you for reading this, and once again sorry for not posting for AGES but now I will do daily posts. Promise!

My hero’s

Today, I’m gonna talk about who my hero’s are, and why. So, not everyone has a hero, or more, but I really recommend having one – a person you can look to if your feeling down, and you don’t have to have any connection with them (Only that of admiration!)

So, whether you do have one, or you don’t, I’m going to list my hero’s for your interest/inspiration!

1. biografia-di-martin-luther-king-politico-e-attivista-statunitense1 Martin Luther King. One word: determined. Oh and also… amazing, universe changing, a man of quotes like no other!

2. th-16 Winston Churchill – who lead our victorious, brave, noble country into the most precious WW2 battle and victory – one like no other! He’s my hero for his pure and utter courage.

3.  th-13 Carlin Moran – a woman with a hilarious, yet inspirational voice and a lot of style! I mean, have you seen her shoes? I’ve got gold DM’s too!

This is a random post, but that’s normal! Please comment below on your thoughts and who your hero’s are!

Here is a promise

Today, I’m gonna post something a bit different and philosophical! Obviously this is not the sort of post I usually post, I just feel like this is what I should post right now this Very second.

The title might be kinda misleading, but it’s about a promise I can give you, and that you can give to someone else; you can re blog it with the reblog button above the post, if you would like to share it that is! Please comment your thoughts on my promise below.

Here is a promise, and a fact: you will never in your life have to deal with anything more than the next minute. However much you feel like you are approaching an event – an exam, a conversation, a decision – where, if you screw it up, the entire future will just burn in help in front of you and you will end, you are not. That will never happen. That is not what happens. The minutes always come one at a time, inside hours that come one at a time, inside days that come one at a time – all orderly strung, like pearls on a necklace, suspended in a graceful line. You will never, ever, have to deal with more than the next 60 seconds. Do the calm, right thing that needs to be done in that minute. The work, or the breathing, or the smile. You can do that, just for one minute. And if you can do that minute, you can do the next. – Catlin Moran.

Just a promise that I hope will keep you going through a time when you feel like you are going to have to give up hope.


If I had a world of my own…

  If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t.

And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would.

You see?

– Lewis Carroll

And the motto would be: I tried to be good but there were so many other options…

You see?